Monday, May 11, 2009

SeeeaaaWoooorllld, I'm Heeeeereee!

So after an excruciating wait during the semester and an annoying Facebook countdown, I am finally here! 

I left around 11:30 with a very sad family helping me pack. The drive was pretty easy. Had a packed car full of my belongings, two sleeping puppies in the back, and hit some traffic early right after Lafayette. I got here around 7:15 to a tall, bald man and a beautiful golden retriever nicely welcoming me to their house.

Sadie and Boomer immediately fell in love with Scott and Riley and thought that a backyard was just simply amazing. We moved all of my stuff into my new room and I started getting a little settled. Couldn't unpack too much because I'm going to get my furniture today. 

We relaxed for a little bit and played with the puppies and then Scott's girlfriend Amy came over. She also works at SeaWorld at the Shamu show so I talked to her about what I should and shouldn't do on my first day. 

All in all, I think this is gonna work out great. I, and the dogs, really like Scott and Riley. The house is way too nice for us so we're going to have to keep it real clean! It was really weird; I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Scott and Amy and I was like, wait, I'm not leaving here tonight, I'm actually here to work at SeaWorld. Wow. I still don't think it will hit me until I'm right next to a whale. Haha. 

Today I will hear on which day I start so I'm very excited for that. Scott and I are going to tour the town and get some furniture. 


  1. OMG! That picture is hilarious. Ha. Dad didn't get the "put your hands on your hips" memo, though. :) I'm looking forward to more pics of your home, backyard, Sea World!

    I can probably still recite the speech you had to memorize for the interview process. I'm not sure I believe it, yet, either.

    I wonder if Sadie and Boomer were looking for our puppies in the new backyard.

    Scott sounds really nice. Looking forward to the webchat! Mwah!

  2. U r living the dream: u, sadie, boomer, and orca!

  3. hey jake this is jennica
    im so happy youve enjoyed yourself so far
    dont get too comfortable though cause you have to come back to your oh so loving family *poor you
    i love you
    enjoy the crap out of seaworld
    and i will see you asap!

    P.S. you should write a book
    your very good at writing :)

  4. Everything still going swimingly???
