Tuesday, April 21, 2009

19 Days and Counting!!

So this past weekend I JUST realized how CLOSE my move is getting. 19 DAYYYS! Holy mother of God. Haha

Luckily I don't have too much to do before I leave. I already finished my physical, drug test, found a place to live. Now I just have to finish up my scuba certification, live through finals, and pack! All of those will be time consuming and miserable but I know the prize at the end of the yellow brick road will be simply marvelous!

I did find out today that since I'm working at Shamu (which is a little more intense than the other shows) that I will have to do yet ANOTHER swim test. This one is pretty easy and consists of pulling myself out of the pool in a couple different areas and free-diving to the bottom of the 40 foot show pool. Wowzers. My swim test in January consisted of a lot more but I only had to free-dive to 25 feet. Eh, what's 15 more feet right? :D 

So, I got the idea from my friends Madeline and Donut, both of whom got great internships as well, to create this blog. I figured it's a great way for me to keep track of such a memorable time of my life, as well as for my friends to keep up with everything going on with me. 

I'm very excited/nervous/scared/thrilled/exhilarated about the move and the next few months. I cannot wait to pursue my dream....


  1. I think this is a great idea too! I'm so excited for you! I remember when you first told me you wanted to be a dolphin trainer years and years ago. :) It's so awesome that you get to do this!

  2. Thanks a lot! Make sure you keep up with me :D

  3. i think this is awesome

    I have a research job working with fish...but not shamu haha

    I'm glad your dream happened

  4. I'm just waiting for the day when I turn on the news and see you mugshot for an inappropriate contact with a marine mammal...

    All kidding aside, I can't wait to come visit you in July! You're going to be amazing!

  5. Hi you dont know me but i was just searching online about sea world trainers,well i've alwasy wanted to be a killer whale trainer since i was like four also. Right now im going to college, but i wanted to ask if you could please tell me more about the swim test?

  6. Hey! E-mail me and we can talk more. Jberma1@tigers.lsu.edu
